Pengajian Am Is Fun!

Pengajian Am Is Fun!

Sunday 23 October 2011

Preparations for STPM. Remember....

Counting down from today, there is only 28 days to go before STPM begins. Pengajian Am Kertas 2 will commence on Monday 21 November 2011.

Doesnt time just fly by so fast nowadays? But Im not worried because I KNOW you all have worked SO hard to prepare yourselves... so I hope my students wont be as worried too. Hahaha.

OK, seriously. What can you do to in these next 2 weeks you ask? Let me level things down for you.

From now on:
1. Pray, be ikhlas. Dont just pray because you're going to sit for STPM. Tuhan tahu apa niat kita. Sentiasa berdoa agar urusan harian dipermudahkan.

2. Eat well, get enough rest and get some vitamins so you wont get sick during the exams. It is the worst thing that can happen, if you are sitting in the exam hall with a runny nose and an elephant-sized headache! 
So do take care of yourself... dont play in the rain ;)

3. Don't waste time. Please stay away from midnight gaming. Sometimes we do need to release stress, but if the activity takes up hours of your time, you may need to put a hold on it, at least for this coming month. 
Tak guna nak menyesal kalau nasi dah jadi bubur. Betul tak? Study your brains off!! Remember, its YOUR FUTURE at stake!

4. A day or two before your exams start, check your pencilbox. Make sure you have a functioning blue/black pen and backup. Is your ruler there? Does your calculator still have batteries. Is all your equipment in the geometry set still there? do you need a carta pai tong stencil? Do you have enough colour pencils? Have you sharpened them?
And while you are at it, throw out the liquid paper/correction fluids. Those only slow you down. If you make a mistake during essay writing, simply cross out the wrong answer. Dont waste time liquid papering it.

5. The night before exams, SLEEP a good 6-8 hours. Its ok to do a little mugging prior to exams...but the night before, you shouldnt ever try to be a Superman/woman and do an all-nighter with your books. You will turn into a ZOMBIE during exams and nothing will come out right. So study now, and rest the night before!

6. Exam morning. Come Early To School. Even though your paper starts at 8 am, don't expect there will be a bus waiting for you at 7 am. Remember, its the holidays. Almost every year I've had to rush over to the bus stop to pick up students, 5 minutes before the paper began. They arrive late, and miss out the doa readings.
Panic and hassle gives way to lots of mistakes....

7. Glance at your watch when you answer. If the paper starts at 8am.... you need to finish your essays first, roughly before 9.30 am. Please do the essays first, and properly. They contain 50% of your marks!
Remember, never, ever, ever ... use green or red colour pens!!

8. After 3 need to hand in your paper. Use and maximize the 3 hours to answer. The pengawas peperiksaan are not monsters. They know your future is at stake, and I have witnessed the really nice ones will give a time extension of up to 20 minutes! So smile, and keep on writing until they practically DRAG your paper away!

9. Don't bring the question down and ask me what the answer is. If thats not what you answered, you aren't going to happy and in good spirits for your next paper. Besides, I might be wrong!

10. After your STPM.... get together for a picnic or outing, then get a new skill or find a job. Uni is sort of will need that money.

All the best... 6 Atas Ibnu Batuttah...6 Atas Omar Khayyam. My prayers and blessings be with you. Amin.

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